NMC: blogs


stabilze footage motion with Kodak Zi8 footage in fcp

To stabilize motion with Kodak Zi8 footage in fcp:

Drop footage into sequence

Export to quicktime movie (Format: Apple Pro Res 4:2:2 HQ 1920 x 1080 30p)

Re-import footage and make new sequence

Drop SmoothCam filter onto clip (from Video FiltersàVideo)

“Analyze footage” should now take way less time (e.g. 10 minutes instead of 10 hours)


We have had a few questions about how to make contact sheets from photoshop. Well adobe has made it both easier and harder. They removed the option to do it from photoshop and transferred it to Bridge. It is part of the Output Module.

To make it work follow the instructions on the following link:
