Final Cut often gets corrupt preference files. This results in decks not being correctly recognized, files being saved to strange places, and other annoyances. To remedy this problem you must trash the preferences, and the next time FCP is started it automatically recreates the default settings...but the process of deleting the preferences is time consuming and confusing....
So now we have an alternative.
You will note a new icon on the dock for a program called FCP Rescue. It is a very basic but very useful program that trashes your Final Cut preferences, and allows you to restore them.
So now, if FCP is giving you trouble, open FCP Rescue, click "trash" then click "restore." Now FCP will be back to normal.
Please note that the scratch disks will be set to the Final Cut Pro Documents folder, so if someone is using an external drive, they will have to reset the scratches to their drive.
Go to to download FCP Rescue for your own computer.