NMC: blogs


I gave her my heart, she gave me a pen tool

I'm going to be teaching an After Effects seminar in April and thought you fellow NMCers might have some suggestions on things you would like to learn or see taught. I want to keep it relatively simple, as it's aimed at those who have never used the program before. I need a cool title too, thoughts?

Nobody puts keyframes in a corner.

You can't handle the render!

Go ahead...mask my day.



and then go see this!

It's the "Matt Movie" of the year!




Sound like anyone you know ;-)


one more post!

On a side note...

RUN, don't walk, and go see Pan's Labyrinth.

Open at Login!

Hello again-

A couple of administrative things to cover:

1. The Student Info spreadsheet will now automatically open when the computer starts up. This is not just to annoy you with all these auto-open programs (iCal, iChat & now Excel), BUT to get you to cross-reference reservations with the spreadsheet (or if you like you can flip through the actual book, it's your choice :) and make sure we have liability forms filled out for everyone. As you remember, students' info should be entered into the spreadsheet only after they have successfully filled out the liability form. If this reservation was made over the phone or IM, and they will fill out a form when they pick up the camera, then we need to note that in the reservation.

2. OK, so to cover ALL our bases. We also need to redesign our equipment loan logs to include somewhere (maybe in the bottom) a liability statement. And that way, if we drop the ball on #1, we still have back-up.

3. We have updated Blogger. The log on is now through Google. Just use the ctenmc email address and the general password.
Sorry for the confusion, it's not my fault they got all betta than beta!

NMC Video Showcase!

We want your video/animation projects so that we can showcase your talents to the rest of the AU community. We will be stringing together clips to create a show reel. SO what do we need from you? We need you to bring in your projects in the highest quality format you have and put them on NMC Lacie_3 (located in the closet). I have created a folder: "NMC Video Showcase" and created folders within with all your names, so just plop your project in your folder.