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Let's talk copyright law

The Internet breeds misconceptions. The web deals in more than Nigerian email hoaxes and prescription scams. Many of us illegally use the Internet as a bottomless well of inspiration via Google image searches and as a copy/paste library. We don't know any better because all these copyright myths float around out there, and frankly, the vastness of the Internet means nobody is going to call you on it. HOWEVER, as creative types it's good to know you're protected.

The minute you create something you own the copyright. You can post your creation naked on the Internet with out an "©" or any rights notification and it still belongs to you. Whoever grabs your work has the responsibility to find you. You don't need a watermark or tag as seen on Flickr or other sites for it to be yours. If violated, you can sue immediately or write a Cease and Desist letter to have it removed.

Do not be fooled by buzz words like "public domain" or "fair use." Just because your work is publicly available does not mean it's public domain, in fact, it's almost impossible for it to be unless you've been making movies since before 1923. The fair use exemption only applies if they are taking a small excerpt and using it for noncommercial purposes.


P.S. Big ups to my Legal Aspects of Communications class



  • But if you want to give people the right to use your work...say for not for profit projects....you can use the Creative Commons copyright rules on flickr...who wants to have such tight control on all their photos anyway???


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:23 PM  

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