NMC: blogs


iMovie '08

Hey, guys. We don't officially "support" iMovie '08 here at NMC, but as time goes on, iMovie '08 will soon become relevant. Today a customer brought in her Sony Handycam HDD camcorder. We tried playing her clips in the old iMovie and Final Cut Pro, but there was no audio. She ended up leaving, but afterwards, I figured out that her camera is one of the many cameras supported in iMovie '08 that is not supported in the old iMovie.

From my understanding, this compatibility issue is for newer hard-drive based camcorders (as opposed to the mini-dv cameras of yesterday). So basically, the moral of the story is don't forget about iMovie '08 when it comes to someone brining in a hard-drive based camcorder to edit footage. It might just solve the problem!



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